3 Tips You Ignore At Your Own Peril When Creating Your Business Website


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3 Tips You Ignore at Your Own Peril When Creating Your Business Website

Your business website should reflect you – your business goals and values, as well as the facts and figures about your products and services.

But really, all of that is secondary to why your potential clients and customers come to your website.

This may sound cold – but your customers don’t really care about you. They really don’t – I hope that doesn’t hurt your feelings. But the truth is, they care about THEM.

But – stop for a minute and think about the last time you searched for a product. Did you really read about the length of time that business had been operating, or the fact that it was family-owned and they take pride in their nice, new trucks?

Sure – those things may have been a factor IF you had already decided they were someone you MIGHT buy from.

You made your decision based on whether the product or service fit YOUR needs, wants and desires. And maybe even more specifically, solved your problem.

A business website that is only about the bells and whistles of your company is not going to do the job of pulling in clients and customers like a magnet, because that type of website is all about YOU and not what they are looking for.

This may sound cold – but your customers don’t really care about you. They really don’t – I hope that doesn’t hurt your feelings. But the truth is, they care about THEM./blockquote>

Website Design Tips

These 3 Website Tips will give you a quick examination of your website – use them to determine where the focus is really placed.

For Website Design or ReDesign help – Contact Abilene Webdesigner

Website Tip #1: Think Like Your Customer – and They Come With Questions…

client-questionsTake a look at your website from the customer/client point of view and ask yourself whether you answer their questions quickly, easily and up front?

– When you land on your website, can they tell that you have the answer to their question(s) in 8 seconds or less (and NOT hidden in the FAQ Section)?

– When they click through to your website, do they KNOW that they have come to the right place to find the help for which they were searching?

Think like your customer and client and ask yourself what they really want to know. Then make sure that your website tells them your business has the answer they need – and do it right there on the front page. (For example: If I am looking for a plumber in the middle of the night, I am probably going to use the first one that has “24 Hour Response” on their front page. So even though you might offer that, if I don’t see it quickly, I am back looking through the list for one that shows it to me right away!)


Website Tip #2: Make it Easy to Do Business With You

Don’t make your potential client or customer hunt through the website to find your location or contact information. They WON’T do it unless you really are the only one they want – or the only option.

The number one thing people are looking for when they do a local search (that is for a business in their local area) is the contact information – name, address, phone number and a map. Make this absolutely apparent and then make it easy to use. ]

Then, create clickable links to your email, your phone and then put a map on their so they can use it to drive straight to you.


Website Tip #3: Give Them A Reason to Do Business With You

You are not the only game in town and if everyone offers “free estimates” then why should they choose you over the other guy who comes up before you in the alphabet?

Your customers are looking for differentiation – they WANT to know WHY they should choose you. And if you don’t give them a good reason to do so, then they will either find another company who does or toss a coin, because it really doesn’t matter to them.

And, NO, – good customer service, affordable prices (or even lowest prices), friendly service people, locally owned – ARE NOT reasons they will choose you. These are either expected (in the case of good and friendly service) or bonuses to them, but these are just filler words for most business websites.

So, ask yourself, what do you do that your competitor does NOT do? What do you do differently? How can you solve a problem that your competitors are not willing to address? (For example: If you are a roofer and the number one complaint that women have about roofers is that they leave their trash every day, can you address that before they even ask? See, not a huge thing, but can be very important TO YOUR CUSTOMER – and addresses an unspoken trigger point)

Give the people who visit your site a reason to contact you and they will – it can be as simple as that!

Now, hurry, go put these into action right now while you are thinking about them and excited about them. And if you need help getting these onto your website or developing your website – please don’t hesitate to contact me for Marketing Consulting!

Call 325-725-0561 or Request More Information about Website Design Here.


Choosing The Right Web Design Company

We partner with you to identify your target market and get to work making your site more visible to your key market through our comprehensive digital marketing services.

Increase Your Revenue by Letting
Abilene Website Designer Help You:

1. Identify Your Target Market

2. Bring that Target Market to Your Business


1290 S Willis St Suite 206-A Abilene, TX 79605



1290 S Willis St Suite 206-A Abilene, TX 79605


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